January 8, 2009


Ok this last saturday Me, My sisters Ali Jen and Kristin went to the body exhibit in Salt lake. it was super super cool, I want to go again! I would show some pictures but no one was aloud to bring in any cameras, we even had to spit out gum out, crazy i know!
The whole museum is amazing! It shows people how our body works. The crazy part is, is that EVERYTHING in there is real, like all the body parts and stuff, its crazy!
My favorite part was the babies, it was kind of sad to think that they were once real, but it facinated me to see how the babies grew within each week. You know that there has to be some creator, and not just evolved from monkeys haha! I mean EVERYTHING has a meaning!
I thought it was cool when we saw a display of just your blood vessels, it said that if you stretch them all out in one line, it would wrap around the whole world, TWICE! Crazy!! but yeah i had a great experience! too bad its not going to stay here in salt lake anymore, but im sure that if it comes again im deffinatly going to it again!

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